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Sustainable SMM: Sustainable Communication in Social Media for Higher Education Institutions

In Progress

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

About This Course

Sustainable SMM: Sustainable Communication in Social Media for Higher Education Institutions” for HEI Communication Managers

5 Modules

  • Intro to Sustainable Social Media Communication
  • Strategies for Sustainable Communication
  • Social Media Platforms & Tools for Sustainable Communication
  • Creating impactful and engaging content 
  • Collaboration, Partnerships and Influencer marketing 

Course Staff

Zofia Zamenhof Foundation

Zofia Zamenhof Foundation aims at promoting the idea of freedom, the rules of democracy, ecology, cultural diversity and tolerance. Throughout our work, we want to show and educate on how to resolve various social problems. We contribute to increasing the level of education of numerous social groups in different countries. Transnational activity allows us to influence the integration processes between sundry nations. We are certain that education is what gives the best chance to grow and evolve, leading to minimising social differences. Intercultural dialogue is possible due to accessible and inclusive education. Our work consists of educating and training while crossing the international borders. What is more, we wish to disseminate knowledge provided by people sharing the ideas significant to our foundation.

Dr. Wojciech Duranowski

PhD in economics, author of more than 30 scientific publications, lecturer and researcher at various universities in Poland and Ireland. Research interests: social innovation and youth policy, intercultural dialogue, youth education, NEETs, social business and entrepreneurship, social and finansial inclusion. Papers: 1) “Analysis of Main Challenges in Higher Education on the Case Study of Selected xMOOCs Providers: Coursera, and edX” (coauthor), Kultura i Edukacja, nr 4 (10), ISSN 1230 -266X 2)Comparative analysis of development of social enterprises in selected ex-soviet countries:Ukraine and Latvia” (coauthor), Societas. Wokół pracy socjalnej (nr 2), 2017, ISSN 2543-6104 3)“European Union Programmes for the youth (Russia) 2013 4) Critical Views on Schooling System – Selected Reformatory Views in the Framework of Alternative Pedagogy”, Studia Pedagogiczne, Jan Kochanowski State University in Kielce, T22, Kielce 2013.

Zbigniew Dąbrowski

Expert in the non-governmental and youth sector. For many years he worked on the board of international corporations in Poland, and currently he is active in the higher education sector and youth non-governmental sector. He co-organized several conferences devoted to regional cooperation under the Eastern Partnership initiative of the European Union, in the field of youth, in which his main interests are education and intercultural dialogue, youth work. He organized and conducted events related to the youth education – conferences, seminars and workshops. He also has experience in managing p youth projects. In the past, a long-term academic teacher – specializing in philosophy, logic and sociology.

Barbara Makarewicz

A graduate of Social Policy at the University of Warsaw. In the process of preparing the e-learning platform, she was responsible for the development of the Module 2: “Building of Personal brand of university teachers through social media”. She also prepared graphic teaching materials for the course.

Prof Dr. Tugba Ucma Uysal, PHD

She has been professor at Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Mugla Sitki Kocman University. At the same time, she has been the director of Mugla University Research and Project Coordination Center since 2015 and currently she is the dean of FEAS. She has international and national journal articles, book and book chapters about Accounting and Finance. Her research interests cover a range of topics in accounting theory, auditing, accounting ethics, fraudulent auditing, financial tools and digital financial services.

Associated Prof. Dr. Ceray Aldemir, PHD

Currently she is working at Mugla Sitki Kocman University Public Administration department as an assistant professor and vice-director of Mugla University Research and Project Coordination Center. Ceray has a special interest on SMEs who are very important for economic development. In her researches she underlines that not only for private sector but also for public sector and investments, if proper corporate governance strategies are implemented by SMEs, their growth opportunities are expected to increase.

Research Assistant Egemen Kahraman, MA

Is a research assistant at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University in Muğla, Turkey. He worked in regional, national and international projects. He is doing a PhD in the field of digitalisation of financial management and financial tools.

Ana Filipa Oliveira

Ana Filipa Oliveira is an assistant professor at Lusofona University and an Integrated Researcher at the Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies (CICANT). She teaches several course units related to Research Methodologies, Communication Theories, Marketing, and Media creativity. She has a degree in Communication Sciences (FLUP) and a Masters in Marketing (U-MAIA) and has worked for several years as a trainer and a Marketing and Communications Manager. She is the coordinator of the bachelor in Applied Communication of Lusófona University (Porto University Center).

Kyiv Business School

KBS is a renowned private business school in Ukraine, established in 2000. With a focus on interaction among higher education, graduates, employers, and local communities, KBS serves as a hub for collaboration. It offers state-of-the-art educational solutions, including MBA/EMBA programs, delivered by a network of 50 experienced faculty, consultants, and businessmen. KBS actively bridges academia and industry, partnering with employers to ensure program relevance and enhance graduates; employability. The school values the role of local communities and engages them in projects addressing local challenges, promoting sustainable development. KBS has a team of experts in sustainable development, SMM, educational communication, and social media inclusion for youth. KBS’s experts develop effective digital strategies for educational institutions, enhancing visibility and engagement. They utilize social media platforms to promote brands and attract students, faculty, and stakeholders. KBS is a founding member of the Ukrainian Association for Development of Management and Business Education, contributing to the growth and professionalism of business programs. It collaborates with national and international professional associations to foster youth professional involvement, job placement, and career growth.

Liudmyla Huliaieva

Role in the project and tasks: The Head of the Department of International Projects at Kyiv Business School, the Head of the COMSUS project in Ukraine. The accomplished professional in the field of education, social media, and sustainable development. The author of the COMSUS project idea and co-author of the E-course; The Power of Social Media in the Professional Development of Teachers: Personal Brand, Tools for Educational Products, Promotion of Sustainable Development Values; for teaching staff in HEIs. Expertise in the project field: Her research interests revolve around sustainable finance, sustainable development, social innovations, and the inclusion of marginalized groups in modern society, with a recent focus on social media and communications. She is widely recognized for her contributions to the development of training programs and her role as a trainer in various Erasmus+ projects related to social media marketing, youth work, inclusion, formal and non-formal education, innovative pedagogy. Professional profile. Her expertise as an EU Project Expert spans over 18 years, encompassing teaching positions at leading Ukrainian HEIs and consulting activities. Huliaieva holds a PhD in economics and has the national academic status of Associate Professor of Finance and credit.

Oliinyk Andrii

Role in the project and tasks: key staff, the researcher/teacher. Expertise in the project field: international marketing and business, Expert in the development of educational courses and learning materials for higher education, as well as the design and implementation of communication plans for projects in higher educational institutions. Professional profile: The expert of the Department of International Projects at Kyiv Business School, Senior Lecture of the Department of International Management in Kiev National University of Trade and Economics. Ph.D. in Economics. 7 years of teaching in the leading HEIs.

Serhii Kulyk

Role in the project and tasks: key staff, the technical specialist. Expertise in the project field: With a solid educational background in law, Sergiy is also an accomplished entrepreneur and a seasoned expert in marketing and social media. His wealth of experience encompasses working on various social and educational projects. With his in-depth knowledge of marketing and social media, Sergiy has proven his ability to develop effective strategies and campaigns. His experience in social and educational projects further highlights his expertise in these domains. Professional profile: The expert of the Department of International Projects at Kyiv Business School. An experienced entrepreneur with 14 years of expertise, providing services in marketing, education, and communication sectors.

Hochschule Wismar

HSW is a state higher education institution established in 1908 as an engineering academy. HSW stands on educational pillars of Technology, Business and Design. HSW has about 500 staff members and about 8.900 students, who study on-campus (about 4.000) or off-campus (about 4.900) in distance and online education programmes. For developing modules for distance and online programmes HSW has an own production studio for e-learning applications (PELA). The distance and online programmes are managed by Wismar University’s own private company WINGS. HSW plays a key role as a regional competence centre in education, research and innovation with strong orientation on international collaborations, close cooperation with (regional) industry and networking activities. HSW has implemented many reforms to modernise University following the Lisbon Strategy and the Bologna process of the European Union. Since 2000 HSW has been supporting the entrepreneurial mind-set on campus and promotes the implementation of the new educational paradigms such as student-centered education, competence-based approach and project-oriented learning in designing and realisation of engineering degree study programmes. HSW has gained a wide range of experience – and staff and students are involved – on university-industry-business cooperation as well as the community affairs. The university is strongly involved in the development of the Technology and Commercial Centre (TGZ) in Wismar supporting student and staff with setting up their successful businesses (start-ups). At the international level, HSW has acquired expertise in the management of international projects in the field of cooperation, staff mobility and cutting-edge research. These projects include partners and actions located in Europe and other counties such as Namibia, South Africa, Kazakhstan.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Habil. Andreas Ahrens

He has received an extensive experience in EU projects as well as designing, testing, revision and implementation of study programmes in the field of engineering at all the study levels: bachelor, master and doctor. Academic Director of a couple of Bachelor and Master study programmes for both full and part time students including the distance-learning programs in the field of “Information and Electrical Engineering” and “Information Technology and Management” at HSW. Prof. Andreas Ahrens have been appointed as an expert by different accreditation agencies for evaluation of different study programs. He has received an extensive experience in leading, coordinating and managing international projects within Erasmus+, BMBF, DFG, DAAD and other programmes. He is a founder and active researcher of HSW research group “Communications Signal Processing”. His network includes a range of international research teams and organisations. He authored and co-authored 270+ scientific publications and acts as expert at EU and National agencies.

Dr. Jeļena Zaščerinska

Scientific assistant at Hochschule Wismar. She is in Latvia Top 100 Scientists (AD Scientific Index 2023). Actively involved in international project management and coordination supported by Erasmus+, Nordplus, Baltic Sea Region Programme and other programmes. Expertise in international project management implemented by HSW. Member and reviewer in a number of scientific editorial boards. She was awarded Certificate of Academic Excellence “European Scientific Journal Reviewer of the year 2016” by European Scientific Journal. She was bestowed expert rights by European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), Brussels, Belgium; European Commission Research Executive Agency, (Brussels, Belgium); National Science Centre (Krakow, Poland) in 2017 – 2020; Latvian Council of Science, Riga, Latvia in 2012-2019. She has authored and co-authored more than 250 publications indexed by well-acknowledged international research publication databases.