Applied Neuroscience in Business

About the Course
Applied Neuroscience in Business is the study related to the influences of this incredible field of knowledge on various sciences. Considering that everything we perceive is a consequence of what our sensory field absorbs from the external environment, understanding how our biology works for thought construction can provide us with important conditions to understand human behavior in various aspects. As long as relational bases are directed from Humans to Humans, the more we know how we function, the greater the chances of positive approximation.
The proposal of this formation lies in the analysis, convergence, and relationship of the set of studies and facts from various fields of science and their impacts through Neuroscience and Psychology, and how their research brings us information on how to align specific strategies for these fields of knowledge, where these actions influence important points of the perception of the Human Mind.
Although modern society has the unprecedented development of Artificial Intelligence as a tool of great support for the vast majority of our activities, making us to a certain extent dependent on this requirement to improve and develop our performance, the fact is that humans still… Design, Humans build, Humans Buy, Humans sell, Humans are at all ends of the business chain… And therefore are the foundation of any relationship.
One of the most important neuroscientists today, Portuguese António Damásio, is the author of a phrase considered one of the great revolutions of our century: “We are not machines that think and feel, but machines that feel that think.”
This phrase presents the fundamental relationship of priority of emotional elements over rationality, in such a way that our rationality inevitably influences emotions, consequently our decision-making, and consequently our behavior.
This formation seeks to navigate through diverse fields of knowledge in order to present possibilities that opening up to new worlds can bring great advantages. In other words, when there is interaction between sciences, new solutions can be brought to light, allowing the opening of doors for innovation and competitive advantages.
Our proposal starts from the premise that interacting with new areas is growing more, it is managing to find and provide a portfolio of more assertive solutions, observed, and built under different perspectives in such a way that it becomes much more complete and effective.
Course Program
Module 1: Introduction
1.1 What is Neuroscience;
1.2 Why it is so relevant to know this field;
1.3 What are the main benefits of knowledge and application of these studies;
1.4 Our Brain, how it all began;
1.5 Our behavior according to our Brain;
1.6 Curiosities about our Brain;
Module 2: Neuromarketing
2.1 What is Neuromarketing;
2.2 What are the main pillars of Neuromarketing application;
2.3 What are the main benefits of knowledge and application of these studies;
2.4 What is Neuromarketing and what it is not;
2.5 Do mental triggers exist?
2.6 Practical tips on how to implement;
Module 3: Consumer Psychology
3.1 What Consumer Psychology is about;
3.2 Why it is so relevant to know this field;
3.3 What are the main benefits of knowledge and application of these studies;
3.4 How our Brain decides;
3.5 Why do we Consume;
3.6 Practical tips on how to implement;
Module 4: NeuroLaw
4.1 What is NeuroLaw;
4.2 What are the main pillars of NeuroLaw application;
4.3 What are the main benefits of knowledge and application of these studies;
4.4 What are the main requirements for the application of Neurosciences in the field of law;
4.5 Sensory limitations;
4.6 Practical tips on how to implement;
Module 5: NeuroLearning
5.1 What NeuroLearning is about;
5.2 Why it is so relevant to know this field;
5.3 What are the main benefits of knowledge and application of these studies;
5.4 The relevance of emotions in the learning process;
5.5 How to get attention;
5.6 Practical tips on how to implement;
Module 6: NeuroLeadership
6.1 What NeuroLeadership is about;
6.2 Why it is so important to know this field;
6.3 What are the main benefits of knowledge and application of these studies;
6.4 Main components that stimulate High-Performance Teams;
6.5 Engagement vs Commitment;
6.6 Practical tips on how to implement;
Module 7: Applied Neuroscience to Communication
7.1 What Applied Neuroscience to Communication is about;
7.2 Why it is so relevant to know this field;
7.3 What are the main benefits of knowledge and application of this study;
7.4 The power of Image;
7.5 Body language – Kinesics – Proxemics – Paralanguage – Taceics;
7.6 Practical tips on how to implement;
Module 8: Neuroscience and Nutrition
8.1 What Applied Neuroscience to Nutrition is about;
8.2 Why it is so important to know this field;
8.3 What are the main benefits of knowledge and application of these studies;
8.4 Why is it so difficult to diet
8.5 How we became humans;
8.6 Practical tips on how to implement;
Module 9: Neuroscience explains…
9.1 Innovation;
9.2 Attention and Focus;
9.3 Anxiety;
9.4 Joy vs Satisfaction;
9.5 How we become Humans;
9.6 Myths about our brain;
Module 10: What Neuroscience can do for us
10.1 Do we really know ourselves?
10.2 What is “Conscious”, “Unconscious”, and “Subconscious”;
10.3 Being Conscious vs Being aware;
10.4 Emotional intelligence;
10.5 We are so alike and so different;
10.6 When the eyes speak;
Target Audience
Entrepreneurs of all kinds – Students – Managers from all sectors
The course consists of 10 modules over 10 weeks.
Course Pace
The course is conducted at the pace of each student (self-paced). The different modules are all made available at the same time.
The course is free.
Course Direction
Alexandre Rodrigues

Professor and Consultant for 20 years in the fields of development of strategies in Neuroscience applied to business by the consulting company DNA Corporativo.
PhD student in Gamified systems for self-management of behavioral performance with emphasis on applied neuroscience by Lusófona University in Lisbon, Portugal, with an international Master’s degree in High-Performance Team Management by UFRGS / Brazil, HEC / Paris and EADA / Barcelona. Postgraduate and MBA in Business Organization by FARGS Brazil. Graduated in Computer Graphics by CTI in Toronto, Business Administration, and International Trade by Faculdade São Judas Tadeu in Brazil.